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    • Joe Roark
      BRIDGE FEAT:            SAXON         YP May 1947 p 50  Weight was 2 tons, car with 9 to 12 passengers.                           When it fell, 9 wrestlers were in it. This acci-                           dent was in Brussels at the CIRQUE ROYALE on                           Mar 13, 1908 [ Friday the 13th ]. This feat was                           called "Brooklands on Four Legs".         SH Sep 1949 p 28  Kurt's first attempt at this was in 1908 at                           London's Hengler's Circus. Eventually used a                            bridge 69 feet long. From London to Brussels                           where the bridge collapsed on Mar 13, 1908 putting                           AS out of action "for almost a year"         AHC II p 25       Lowry: bridge was 2 tons, car and 9- 12 passengers  
    • Jarett Hulse
      A fellow collector recently showed me a really great original photo of them performing this feat.  Maybe I'm remembering this wrong, but I believe they staged a photo later with the bridge collapsed on top of him. 
    • Aric Clevenger
      Thanks Jarett! It is extremely interesting and fun. It's surprising the cities / regions where some of the stories were printed. There's a lot of stuff to look at and share.
    • Jarett Hulse
      You're finding so much good stuff @Aric Clevenger. I want free time to join in your search!   Looks like fun.
    • Aric Clevenger
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